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image of burglar entering a person's home, shining a flash light on a phone and wallet on the countertop

Six Things to do After a Home Robbery 

Imagine coming home after dinner and a late movie showing, only to find your windows shattered and belongings scattered across the house. You know it is very clear that you have been robbed, but you do not know when this happened, what has been taken, and if the intruder is still inside. Your first priority […]

mother and her three children standing outside watching their home burn

Five Tips for Home Fire Preparation and Safety

As a homeowner, you hope never to encounter a fire on your property. Home fires are a common occurrence, taking place about every 93 seconds. Therefore, it is vital to prepare a fire safety plan, should the unexpected arise. Here are a few tips to ensure you and your family are ready in the event […]

image of car air filter

Spring Forward to Auto Safety 

As the temperatures begin to rise, it can be tempting to take long drives with the windows down or plan vacations to other cities and states. But is your car protected and prepared for more hours spent on the roads? By doing a tune-up on your car, and ensuring your auto insurance is updated, you […]

blog image of stethoscope, ekg charts, and heart prop

Understanding Cardiovascular Disease and What It Means

According to the American Heart Association in a 2019 study, nearly half of all adults in the United States – 48% to be exact – have some form of cardiovascular disease. The term “cardiovascular disease” is used to refer to a number of conditions, including heart disease, heart attack, stroke, heart failure, arrhythmia, and heart […]

image of an elderly woman tripping and falling on icy stairs outdoors

How Protect Yourself from a Slip, Trip, or Fall

Slips, trips, and falls are the number 3 cause of accidental death in the United States, right behind motor vehicle accidents. No matter where you are in the world, if you are indoors or outdoors, you can experience a slip or fall. Slips and falls can naturally happen indoors when going upstairs or walking on […]

blog image of someone changing a tire on the roadside; blog title: How to Make a Car Emergency Kit

How to Make a Car Emergency Kit

Whether it’s a flat tire or a run-in with a winter storm, a vehicle emergency can really catch you off guard. The first step you should take in creating a road emergency plan is to give your insurance agent a call. Many insurance carriers offer roadside assistance services as a policy add-on if it is […]

blog image of a city street flooded under water; blog title: Preparing your business for the event of a flood

Preparing Your Business for the Event of a Flood

Just like your home, your business can flood and potentially experience extensive damage. However, your business has a completely different set of risks than your home does. After a flood in your place of business, you could experience loss resulting from damage to records, inventory, equipment, and technology as well as other valuable property and […]

blog image of young adult millennials hiking; blog title: millennials and life insurance

Millennials and Life Insurance

More than any other generation, millennials (born 1981-1996) are going without life insurance. In some instances this is understandable; perhaps you are debt-free or never plan to have children. However, there are some considerations you should take into account before writing off life insurance entirely. Here are some questions to ask yourself if you are […]

blog image of a car theft; blog title: What to do If Your Car Is Stolen

What to Do If Your Car Is Stolen

Remain Calm  If you believe your car has been stolen, your immediate response is likely to completely freak out. This is understandable, but there is a chance you could be mistaken. It is possible that your car was towed or even that your teenager took it without asking. Make a few calls to local towing […]

blog image of couple at their wedding; blog title: How Marriage Can Change Your Insurance Needs

How Marriage Can Change Your Insurance Needs 

You already know that marriage will change a lot of things in your life. When you say “I do” you are combining your entire world – and often your home – with someone else’s. Among the changes that come with married life are adjustments you should make to your insurance coverage.  Home & Property   If […]